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Board Update: Statement from the Board of Directors on the Supreme Court Dobbs Ruling

Dear USBG Members and Community,

In light of the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs striking down Roe v. Wade, the Boards of Directors of the United States Bartenders’ Guild and the USBG National Charity Foundation are compelled to share our position on this issue which affects us all.

We believe, unequivocally, that everyone deserves the right to bodily autonomy, and that must include access to reproductive healthcare and family planning methods of their choosing. We also recognize that some members may feel differently, and we believe that our community has room for diverse points of view.

For up-to-the-minute information, the US Department of Health and Human Services has resources on what forms of reproductive healthcare are currently legal from state to state.

This is a trying, emotional time for many. If you find yourself in distress, the USBG maintains a list of mental health, crisis, and survivor resources on, including the USBG Foundation’s grant programs which assist qualified members of the service industry with emergency expenses (determined on a case-by-case basis).

The USBG and USBG Foundation Boards of Directors continue to support all USBG Members and the greater hospitality community now and at all times.

Yours in service,

Board of Directors of the United States Bartenders’ Guild

Board of Directors of the USBG National Charity Foundation


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